Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Decorating

We become inspired and enthusiastic about decorating our homes for the holidays each year. All of our favorite and memorable decorations come out of the attic, and we lovingly place them around our homes for everyone to enjoy.

What I find is that most homeowners have a lot of little things, and oftentimes their homes take on a cluttered look when placed around on every table and shelf, nook and cranny.

Instead of "spreading them out," why not try groupings of your favorite things ~ Music boxes, clustered on a bookshelf in the library makes a bold statement, and you can view them all together at one time. Figurines and snow globes, special ornaments and holiday candles will dramatically change a sofa table when grouped together ~ make sure to add height and elevation changes so everything isn't placed flat on your table (how boring!)

Perhaps you can display some of your pieces this year and others the next. It might be fun to decide which items come out each year ~ changing the combinations of things keeps your collections looking fresh and exciting.

If you are just beginning to gather decorations for your new home, try purchasing one large decoration each year instead of many small items. The drama of one larger piece will be spectacular, and your guests will notice it and comment on it, because it will add style and pizazz to your room.

Create a theme and tell a story with your treasures ~ The story of your traditions ~ The story of your family ~ the story of your life ~